Did you know?

1. Adding kale to your morning juice could actually make it harder to lose weight!

Raw kale looks so nourishing and full of goodness, bursting at the seams with green vitality…and for this reason, many of us are adding bunches of it into our morning juice or smoothie. However, this could be detrimental if we are doing it too often. Raw kale actually acts as a goitrogen, which can disrupt normal thyroid function. If our thyroid isn’t making or converting enough of the necessary hormones, our metabolic rate starts to drop. This makes it easier to put on weight and harder to lose it…not to mention the range of other health impacts from low thyroid function! This effect isn’t a problem if you cook your kale. So, once in a while enjoy a kale smoothie but remember you can have too much of a good thing.

2. Coconut water is a natural electrolyte.

As the warmer months arrive once more, it’s good to know that there is a natural way to replace those essential minerals that help us to stay hydrated. Coconut water is naturally high in the electrolytes that help our body regulate fluids. So grab a green coconut and a straw and start sipping!

3. Sesame seeds are an excellent source of calcium.

Sesame seed paste (tahini) is one of the richest sources of calcium. Unhulled tahini is highest in calcium and will normally be darker in colour than the hulled alternative. You can use it in place of butter on your bread, added to hummus or mixed into bliss balls to name a few ways.

4. To peel or not to peel?

Organic or spray free produce is always my first choice. Especially when it comes to soft skinned fruits and veg. I prefer to keep the skins on my fruit and veg whenever I can, as many of the nutrients and antioxidants in foods are also found in the skin and the pith as well as the added fibre bonus. However, if a food has potentially been sprayed I will usually choose to peel it to avoid the toxins. Buying local, seasonal and organic food definitely is always the best choice if you can.

5. Cinnamon for digestion.

Cinnamon is an amazing spice, valued for its adaptability in both savoury and sweet dishes. But apart from that wonderful aroma, it has value in supporting healthy metabolism and blood sugar balance. It is also useful in warming and calming the digestion and has even shown benefit in helping to get rid of parasites. Make sure you get a high quality cinnamon powder for maximum beneficial properties.